Creative Souls
We have to create for ourselves, create for our souls and our sanity. Creativity, for me, is a form of escapism and a form of therapy — we should enjoy it., shouldn’t we? We don’t always need to make an economic profit from our art, we need to find contentment in our creativity. Not everything should become a job… we shouldn’t put a price on our imagination. I have found enormous amounts of joy in creating, writing and dreaming purely for myself. This is MY creativity and it is refreshing to keep bits off the marketplace.
I have found freedom in this way of thinking. Nobody has any expectation of the result, there are no deadlines or limitations and I don’t sacrifice my passion for money. This is a habit I want to instill into my day to day life. I very nearly fell into the trap of valuing my creativity on clicks, likes and shares… but I was caught, as always, by those closest to me. They showed me ‘Grayson’s Art Club.’ I saw people creating for personal joy and not the metrics. It has inspired me to look at my creativity through a different lens. I still hold the dream of spending my days storytelling but that doesn’t mean I can’t create for myself in between. I think it’s time to collect more hobbies!
We should create, dance, sing and play like nobody’s watching — because nobody is. We can’t validate our creativity on the analytics or let metrics overrun our passion. If we share our art, we need to look for the qualitative responses and not the quantitative. This is when the stories start to flow from my imagination. I create for my soul — why do you create?